Hey EvenFall! Happy Tuesday! Let's talk about the honey moon phase. It's when you first meet someone and it appears they are perfect. That they can do no wrong. The important part of this phase is patience. Since people will build you up as if you're God. Humble these people. There's no such thing as the perfect person. God wasn't perfect. Neither are you. I have encountered many people that believe I'm the next coming of Jesus. I'm not. I'm simply a man. I was born a man and live as a man daily. This same rule can apply to jobs. Although the job seems promising at first, a job is a job. They will get what they need from you and keep it moving. The moment you start to dislike your job they will fire you. Let's take today's inspiration from Song of Solomon. It's a short book. It's about a woman that seeks her "true love". She scoured the streets until she found him. For the time they were together, the woman was greatly infatuated with him. He disappeared after the woman expressed she just wanted to sit in the house all day. For the days following, she went looking for him trying to find him, only to find another "true love". This repeated for every man she came across for the time she was alive. Take this as a cautionary tale. Chasing physical vanity will only lead you to ruin. Thanks for reading!
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