Hey EvenFall! Happy Saturday! Let's talk about the spirit. Spirit is not something that's normally looked into. As this turns into supernatural after a while. Why? We have an itch to solve things logically. Unfortunatelty, God is above logic. God is above science. He doesn't need logic to work His miracles. But He can also manipulate our OWN spirit as well. A lot of us tend to forget that spirit is what makes us get up in the morning. How we get dreams. How much energy we have at all times. Spirit also controls how long we live. With that said, we can also "control" our spirit in our sleep. We call that "spirit walking". When you spirit walk, you essentially take control of whoever of you were in that dream and put yourself in their place. For comparison, think of how the agents in the Matrix movies were able to instantly chase down Neo, they kept body hopping. But I digress. When we spirit walk, we have to be aware that anything you do that might harm your body, it WILL affect your real life body. Remember, whether in a dream or in real life, your mind still perceives pain as pain. Luckily I've never had any major issues with any spirit walks. It's still a new concept for me. As I'm not really able to do it unless God lets me. Let's take inspiration from the New Testament. Jesus had a crazy high amount of spirit. This was due to Him meditating for hours at a time. As such, His miracles were mind boggling. Curing people from demons, breaking bread almost infinitely, walking on water, all feats due to Jesus fulling believing in the Heavenly Father. However, these miracles didn't go unnoticed by the children of men. They constantly questioned Jesus in everything He did. And because of this, Jesus decided after a while He shouldn't walk this earth anymore. When people say Jesus died for our sins, the sins in question were the questions people had for Jesus 24/7. He couldn't take how people believed in money, not God. Use this as a cautionary tale. Not everyone is spiritual. And those who aren't will seek to prosecute you under the law of men. Keep your spiritual practice private. No one needs to know how close you are to God. Just that you believe in God. Thanks for reading!
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