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Writer: RavenRaven

Hey EvenFall! Happy Thursday! Let's talk about shining. Despite feeling down, all of us "glow" in the sunshine. Why? The spirit in our bodies. Have you ever notice pregnant women always give a painfully bright glow? That's God blessing them. As I am a firm believer in God and preach Proverbs daily, my natural glow is very, VERY high. I try not to look at people directly, as this makes people stare directly into my eyes. Even after I break eye contact, they will seek to stare into my eyes again. This is due to seeing "the truth". Hearing my voice also purifies any who hear it, and absolves them of anything they did with bad intent. And that's for the people that believe in God. Those that don't, they just feel really happy. This is why I don't go out often. In truth, this is God preparing me for when I become celebrated daily and I get swarmed with supporters that have questions for days. Do I want this? No. Do I need this? In a sense. The bills of men don't pay themselves. Then again, what's life without suffering? Let's take today's inspiration from Acts. Saul, upon witnessing Stephan's passing, decided to pretty much destroy anything related to God. One day, Jesus blinded him with an intense light. Saul was then directed to Damascus, where a disciple of God healed him. Understanding the power of God now, Saul then proceeded to do miracles and acts of God in the name of God. Traveling the world for a time. Take heed. You might not believe in God now, but God will remind you He's around. You won't see it coming. And it will terrify you. When it does, seek someone like me and we can heal you, reminding you you were chosen to do God's bidding. Thanks for reading!


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