Hey EvenFall! Happy Sunday! Let's talk about pride. Pride is something we all have as a core to our values. However, it's that same pride that often hinders our ability to grow. Let's say we want to grow our knowledge. Most of the time we need money for that. However, we are too prideful to ask our community to help. Likewise, the community is too prideful holding their own funds from each other! Thinking that we would use the funds for evil intent. We have to stop this. This has been happening for far too long. Back when I worked corporate, I would just donate to the cause of whoever I was close to at the time. When they said they will send a receipt I told them I won't need it. Just spend it how you want. The dream I had last night was about a couple of co workers sharing a drone. The drone shorted out quickly, and the person operating it refused to come forward and take accountability. Instead, he sat the drone down, and just left it for the owner to find it destroyed. The problem with that challenge is the operator had too much pride to say they broke it. Let's take inspiration from Isaiah. He was by far one of the most instrumental figures in the Bible. During the time of Kings, Isaiah micro managed all of Israel, making sure they repent and follow the word of God. This pride surprisingly didn't lead to his downfall. As he had God's protection. However, Isaiah didn't have social media back then. We do now. So. Let's go by Isaiah's pride. To follow strictly to the word of God and bond with people through the Bible. Only then will our pride be elevated to new lengths. Thanks for reading!
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