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Writer: RavenRaven

Hey EvenFall! Happy Saturday! Let's talk about mourning. For most of us, mourning is a very hard concept to understand. I've met people who can mourn for years, never fully accepting it. Mourning is essentially the 5 stages of grief. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. Denial is the phase a lot of us can't leave. Especially in our 20s. Sometimes, we don't have all the facts leading up to a person's death. Or a pets death. That part we should be meditating. However, 99% of people don't meditate. Why? Because then God will be talking to you. And we don't WANT to hear what God tells us. Because it's what we NEED to hear not what we WANT to hear. It's important to understand that if you have a faith, mediation is at the core of almost every single religion. Some churches don't preach it, but praying and meditation go hand in hand. It's better to pray in meditation to get your answers from God or Jesus quickly. The dream I had last night was I opened up a successful resturant. While my happy was happy, they mourned the person I used to be. I was focused on making money and not growing my family. The thing is, we NEED money to have a successful family. I've seen far too many people adopt the term "struggle love" as a form of being poor. This needs to stop happening. Anything we do short term is exactly that. It's not affecting our long term goals. Let's take inspiration from Kings. At some point, Absalom crossed King David his father. For someone his brother did. After a while Absalom spread info that King David should be shunned. And David was shunned. In a war against his father, Absalom's hair got caught in a tree. To which Joab, David's kingmaker, immediately eliminated him. David mourned heavy for Absalom's passing. For days into weeks. It wasn't until Joab made a speech that David started feeling better. Let's do that. For anyone you know that's mourning, help them out. Talk it out with them. And grow as a result. Thanks for reading!


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