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Writer: RavenRaven

Hey EvenFall! Happy Thursday! Let's talk about existence. Sometimes, we find it hard to exist in this world. The number 1 thing we think about most of the time is where we get our money. Most of us have jobs, but we feel these jobs don't pay us enough for the live we want to live. That we should live within our means. I'm a follower of God, so I don't have that boundary. God rewards me with what I need daily. I cannot say the same for most of the people I meet. Most say they are Christians, however the point of being a Christian is to judge no one, and accept everyone. People judge me all the time. Sad world we live in. Last night I had a dream that I was able to gather a lot of new people around and help them with the power of God. Even though I did so, those same people had doubt in their existence. As humans, we always want more and more. It's important to stay humble at all times. Never let your power get to your head. Let's take todays inspiration from Acts. Saul very much hated the church. He saw a man die while preaching and he sought to destroy the church as a result. However, this led to him becoming blind. Not able to see anymore, he heeded Jesus advice and traveled to a city to become healed. Taking a new leaf, he started to call himself Saint Paul and did miracles similar to the Apostles. One such miracle was when he was traveling to Rome, and got bit by a poisonous snake. The locals were surprised this didn't immediately kill him. Paul stated he had God's protection. The locals then proceeded to worship him like a god and told them not to do so. To only praise God. Let's go with this. Forget your doubts and thoughts. Let God lead you down a path of a successful existence. Thanks for reading!


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