Hey EvenFall! Happy Monday! Let's talk about bad influence. Bad influences are unfortunately very prevalent in the world. You can be friends with someone for over 30 years, the moment someone with a bad influence comes into their lives that friendship can end in an instant! I know, EvenFall has followers come and go daily. No matter how positive I am, the moment someone's friends come into the picture with the intent to remove me from their lives that person goes away. There are countless examples of this in the world. I had a dream that aliens invaded earth and took over. The aliens proposed a solution to implant a device into our heads. and the same time a radio near me was playing something that sounded like "I'll do the task myself". A woman in a crowd waiting to get implanted was vocally rejoicing a previous relationship. An alien that possessed that previous partner heard this, and realized human love is very strong. So, that alien convinced the other aliens to undo the war that was done. At that same time, they unfroze a particular man on a motorcycle bent on getting revenge. He drove away, stating he will "do the task himself" which started another war. That man on the motorcycle was a bad influence. As war will always lead to sorrow and depression. Let's take today's inspiration from Kings. Ahab wanted a vineyard that his neighbor had. He tried to convince his neighbor to give him the vineyard. Ahab failed of course. So his wife, Jezebel decided to influence event around the neighbor. Leading to him passing. God didn't like this. So Elijah the divine priest visited and cursed Ahab and Jezebel. Use this as a cautionary tale. God watches you 24/7. He sees what you're doing good or bad. He reads your mind too. He will swiftly punish you should you wish to harm those around you. Thanks for reading!
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