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Writer: RavenRaven

Hey EvenFall! Happy Sunday! Let's talk about the addiction. Addiction is something a lot of us struggle with. Addiction isn't just from substances. Attention can be addicting too! Attention is by far the most addicting thing we can get. It's instant, and short term gives plenty of us happiness. To the detriment of those who suffer for that short term happiness. Yes, I'm talking about gossip. People gossip all the time. Over the smallest things. Like the clothes we wear. Makeup we put on. The animals we have around. We all make each other suffer as a result. This is why my religion is private. We shouldn't know every single detail about each others lives. Just what we need to know to help each other. I know this may be tough for most of you. As we talk to each other all the time at our work places. And work can be slow sometimes. So when work is slow, find something simple to do. Like sweep. or Mop. Doesn't matter what it is. Just avoid talking to your co workers. At first they will reject this notion. We are social creatures. Why shouldn't we talk to one another. We can, but only about the Bible. Anything else is gossip. Remember, Keep your answers to others as simply yes or no. Anything else invites chaos in your life. Let's take inspiration from Samuel. After a while, Saul was disgraced from God after he refused to continue down the path laid out for him. It was only when David started to do positive things for God that people gossiped about David. How David was able to do more than Saul. David never said any of these things. The people around him did. And because they gossiped, Saul sought to eliminate David. He nearly had David many times. But David gave a POWERFUL speech each time. It's only when David finally heard what made Saul so upset that David was upset too. But what was done was done. Use this as a cautionary tale. If you praise each other, do it in private. Never in public. That potential gossip can destroy nations. Thanks for reading!


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